Jalandhar Independent Sahodaya Schools Basket Ball Championship

Cambridge International School Phagwara, hosted Jalandhar Independent Sahodaya Schools Basket Ball championship from 21st to 23rd August, 2014 in the school premises.

Total 46 schools from Jalandhar, Kapurthala and Hoshiarpur participated in the Championship. The Schools Girls Basket Ball team brought laurels to the school by winning the second position in the championship. The meritorious students who were part of the team were Simranjit Kaur, Nandini,Nitisha Dhir,Eivee Dubb,Gurmanpreet Kaur,Muskan,Nitisha, Harnoor,Monisha,Tanveer,Jyotsna and Shrishtha.

Before reaching to the finals this team defeated APJ School Jalandhar by 27/21 and CT Public School by 14/2.

Principal Mr.Jorawar Singh appreciated the commendable performance of the students and motivated all the girls to work hard and become successful in all areas of life.